Start this process the day before you plan to cook.
Trim the excess fat from the pork butt. Leave a consistent, thin layer on the bottom. I use a good fillet knife for this.
I use a disposable aluminum cookie pan to hold the pork butt before and after cooking.
Prepare one of the injection recipes (I like the apple injection for pork). Inject the pork butt thoroughly.
Use a little olive oil on the outside of the meat.
Coat the outside with you favorite dry rub.
Cover and place in the fridge overnight.
Time your cooking to insure you have 12-14 hours to cook and rest the meat.
Preheat grill to 300 degrees.
Add pork butt to the pan on a rack.
Once the pork butt in near the stall (~160 degrees F), cover with butcher (you can use foil) paper cook for 1 hour. I prefer butchers paper as its a happy medium between not wrapping and wrapping tight in a aluminum pan with foil.
Wrap with butchers paper (or foil) foil and cook until the internal temp is 205 degrees.
Pull of the grill and let sit for 2 hours covered with an old blanket or moving pads.
Pull the pork with meat tongs or serving forks.
Add BBQ or have some on the side. I like it one the side better as the meat tastes great as is and then you can give everyone a choice of sauces. I like my BBQ with a little heat. Also serve your BBQ warmed up.